A 5,400 sq/ft multi-purpose space in the Grandview area of Columbus

The Main Room
This is the largest room (approx. 50x50) and has several layouts for different events.
Service layout (chairs all facing the stage, no tables) can accommodate 140 people.
Seminar layout (chairs facing the stage, with 14 tables for use) can accommodate 75-90 people.
Group tables layout (chairs around groups of tables) can accommodate 70 people.
*Can include a full audio, lighting, and tech system with two tvs (or 120” projector screen).
The Conference Room
This room contains a large conference table comfortable to sit 6-10 people with TV, storage, and is attached to the lobby.
The Kids Room
Need a safe space for kids to hangout? We have a large room equipped with a tv, and toys for kids of all ages. Can fit 10-20 kids (*bounce house is also available in that room).
The Lobby
The Lobby is able to utilized on its own (or together with others options). This space has a fully equipped coffee bar, refrigerator, ice machine, and more. It is capable of fitting 40-60 people at tables. Perfect for small parties and showers.
*It can have the Phos Coffee Cart baristas available with espresso-based drinks, drip coffee, and kombucha on tap.

960 King Ave
Columbus, OH 43212
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