To help people follow Jesus and His way, together.

 a 16-week journey on becoming formed into the image of Jesus.

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fIND THE Formed Assessment and Resources HERE.


The Foundation (pt. 1)



In order to pursue spiritual formation, we must first ask the “Why” of formation first. Why does God give us the ability to not just be saved, but made more like Jesus throughout our lives on Earth? This question gets to the core of humanity’s mission while on earth… To live out a vision of the kingdom for the world.

what is FORMATION?

Answering the question “What is formation,” we dive into a few helpful concepts surrounding this topic. Centered around 2 Corinthians 3, we are to transformed into the image of Jesus. This is done through learning, being present, and emulating Jesus. We also navigate the well-known Three Ways (or Stages) of the Spiritual Journey, which charts the location of our journey—in awakening, purgation, illumination, and union.

Abiding & the Spirit

Looking at 2 Corinthians 3 as our foundation of formation, we cannot forget the true source of formation, the Spirit. We must remember that formation comes from obedient abiding in Jesus through his Spirit’s power. Abiding (menō) or “to make yourself at home” defines the relationship and union we are to have with Jesus as we follow Him and become more like him.


The Soul (pt. 2)


Week 4
Feeling (THE HEART)

Is following Jesus just learning the right information? Or thinking the right things? What is our Soul? What does it mean to abide in Jesus with our entire souls?
This week is focused on defining the soul (nephesh) and how that translate to a formation to Jesus in not just our thinking, but also our doing, and our feeling.
This week hones in on our feelings(right-brain) primarily through the engagement of gratitude and relational joy.

Week 5
Thinking (The Mind)

After tackling the modern understanding of the heart, our feelings, and our thoughts… This week is centered on our “left-brain” which composes and processes our logic, goals, long-term vision, analytical data, etc.. As we navigate foundational texts in the Bible which uncover the importance of this aspect of our soul, we learn that dwelling upon the truths and beauty of God not only forms our soul more into Jesus, but gives us a deep peace and joy.

Week 6
Doing (The Hands & action)

As the last component of the Soul, the “actions” or doing is so crucial to our formation to Jesus. You may have heard “You aren’t what you do.” But is that true? This week dives into the importance of action as not just a form and expression of belief, but as a formative reality for anyone who wants to follow Jesus and his way.


The Environment (pt. 3)


Week 7
The Fall: Sin, Suffering, & the Three Enemies

The formation of our souls is profoundly shaped by our environment—including the three enemies (devil, flesh, and the world) to deceive, tempt, and normalize sin. The evil of the world also manifests in sin, transgressions, and iniquity… all which destroy intimacy with God.

Week 8
Your Past: Generational Sin, Upbringing, and Trauma

Our environment and upbringing shape us deeply, but through Christ, we can break unhealthy cycles and live as new creations.

Week 9
The World: Culture in The West | COMFORT & iNDIVIDUALISM

As we reflect on our environment, we are called to challenge the cultural ideals of comfort and individualism, embracing the transformative power of suffering and redirecting our focus from self toward glorifying God and loving others.

Week 10
The World: Culture in The West | Feelings & Hurry

As we reflect on cultural norms like the idolization of feelings and hurry, we are invited to align our emotions and pace with the truth, self-control, and lifestyle of Jesus.


The Personal Resistance (pt.4)


Week 11
The Trellis: A Rule for our souls

In order to resist the cultural norms and press into the way of Jesus, followers of Jesus should foster a rule of life which serves as a trellis for the soul to flourish.


A Community of Resistance (pt. 5)


Week 12

Joy is an essential component of a community of resistance for the formation of our souls.


Relationship & Attachment

Relationships rooted in attachment—both to God and others—are the foundation of a community of Jesus followers.


Group identity &

Our group identity in Christ shapes us to live out His values through radical conviction, and removing the destructive shame in our lives.

Week 15

Honesty & Accountability

Radical honesty, rooted in humility and accountability is essential for our personal formation and Jesus’ centered community.

Week 16

The Journey & Our Affections

Formation is a lifelong journey which requires us to shed burdens and sin, while fixing our eyes upon Jesus and his joy.