To help people follow Jesus and His way, together.




 We have three main expressions of community:

SUNDAY gatherings

Our current, largest expression of community is our Sunday gatherings. These gatherings occur each Sunday afternoon with an off week every few months for serving our community or resting as a community. This gathering is focused on being together, learning, celebrating, worshipping, and encouraging one another. We also get to share in stories of people in our church and community, listen to a teaching from the Bible, and engage in some traditions that we believe carry weight even in the present world, today.

Our gatherings have opportunities for Kids too! We have secure classrooms and volunteers who make Sundays great for kids of all ages!

We meet at our own space, the KING - 960 King Ave @ 9am & 10:45am.

We would love to have you! (Plus if you show up early you’ll have time to snag a latte or some cold brew).



Our Missional Communities (MCs) are some of the most fun, food-filled, social times in our church, but are always centered around a mission—meeting a need, network (or affinity) of people, or neighborhood region. These groups are focused on being a community with an opportunity for missional living. Our goal with these communities is also to be a welcoming, social atmosphere for anyone, Christian or not to talk, ask questions and be with one another.

Because each group is a bit different, their meeting times can vary, and they have different passions/vision for their communities. Some can meet at a local business or restaurant, while others are in an apartment or house.

To find more information on our current MCs and locations, click the button below.



Core groups are a much smaller group of three to five people of the same gender who are set on diving deeper into community and relationship. They meet more frequently and because of their size, it is more intensive, personal, and discipleship centered.

Their primary focus of these groups is opportunity for each person to engage in confession, pray for the outreach of others, the reading of Scripture, and empowering each other for follow the Spirit’s lead in their life.

With these four components, we believe that a core group has the opportunity to deeply disciple people in congruence with living on mission in their MCs and in their own normal everyday lives.

If you are interested in finding out more information about CORE Groups, or how to join one, sign-up for our next Living Room gathering at our linktree (click the button below).