Disruptive Discipleship | Week 2 - Presence over Distraction

Big idea:

A mark of disruptive discipleship is a prioritized presence with Jesus that overflows into a presence with others.

The following is a teaching for Contrast Church’s launch team gathering on Sunday evening, Jan 17th, 2021.

The biblical texts used throughout the teaching are:

  • Daniel 6

  • Luke 10

  • Luke 23

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Four Practices for unhurried your life:

*From Ruthless Elimination of Hurry

  1. Silence and Solitude

    1. In Matthew 4, Jesus’ first step into ministry he goes and fasts for 40 days, is tempted by Satan. In this we see, not weakness, but strength. He was most strong at the end of that fast because he had been in the presence of God for so long. 

    2. Silence and Solitude reminds us of our true identity and calling before the world gets a chance to taint it. 

  2. Sabbath

    1. If the Lord of the universe created the entire universe and then took a day off, your busy week is not an excuse to not Sabbath.

    2. Walter Bruggeeman” People who keep Sabbath live all seven days differently.. “

    3. Sabbath is:

      1. Rest and worship (a day off is a “bastard Sabbath by Peterson).

      2. Resistance (to the world of go, more, and hurry).

  3. Simplicity

    1. Less is truly more..

    2. Inward reality seen in an outward lifestyle.

  4. Slowing

    1. “Cultivating patience by deliberately choosing to place ourselves in positions where we simply have to wait”

    2. Practices for slowing

      1. Turn your smart phone into a dumb phone.

      2. Delete social media off your phone

      3. Set times to be on social media

      4. Keep phone off until after morning quiet time.

      5. Journal

      6. Take long vacations