To help people follow Jesus and His way, together.

Summer Internship 2025

The one who says he resides in God ought himself to walk just as Jesus walked.”


1 Year Overview

May 2023 - June 2024

1 | Retreat

The point of this initial start is to build relationship, and retreat from the busyness of life to center on Jesus, creation, and community in the wilderness.

*For the women’s cohort, this will be at a larger camp, or trip to a lodge (May 26th-29th).

*For the men’s cohort this is a 4-day backpacking trip that will take place over memorial day weekend (May 25th-29th)

2 | Learn

This is a ~ 90min meeting every other week that will include:

  • learning & practicing spiritual disciplines

  • reading & review 1-2 books a month on different spiritual formation, leadership, and discipleship topics

  • accountability for consistent quiet time (the commitment is 6 days of quiet time a week)

  • prayer

  • practical challenges for the next two weeks

3 | LEAD

In order to be a part of the cohort you must be leading a significant area of ministry (director, apprentice, or other area).

*Note, if you aren’t currently leading anywhere, you’ll be given an opportunity to assume one during the year cohort.

4 | hospitality

Your cohort will have Dinner parties, every other month. These will rotate each house/apartment so that each person gets to learn how to host and be hospitable while engaging in meaningful dialogue (spouses and significant others are included).


This will be an opportunity to serve a community that is not in Columbus.

For the 2023-2024 Cohort, *as of right now*, both Men and Women will travel to San Lucas Toliman in Guatemala to support our global ministry, Promised Land Ministries.

6 | Encouragment & Prayer

We close out with a morning-away focused on prayer, and encouraging one another as we continue to pursue spiritual formation, discern vocational calling, and missional impact.

Photos of the 2022 Men’s Cohort backpacking trip


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  1. Pray and think through the above overview and commitment.

    1. Time commitment - Quiet time, book reading up to two books a month, two cohort meetings a month, one dinner party every 2 months, memorial day trip (potential 2 vacation days), serve trip (3-5 vacation days)

      *You are required to remain in a CORE group while doing this cohort.

    2. Financial commitment ($200-300 for retreat, ~$150 for books, $1000-1700 for serving mission)

  2. Complete the application below.

 *Please note two things when applying:

  1. If you aren’t able to attend the wilderness/relationship trip, OR the larger serving project in 2024 due to schedule conflicts or affordability, you will not be accepted due to how pivotal those are to the cohort’s vision.

  2. There is no “out” during it. So you must be committed for the entire year (not moving, have margin to read, consistent quiet time etc). If you are not able to keep up with the required expectations you will not be allowed to continue.

If you are interested in applying, please fill out the application by clicking the appropriate button below:

Applications for the 2023-2024 Cohort Year are CLOSED.